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The WELCH node is based on a numpy or scipy function.The description of that function is as follows: Estimate power spectral density using Welch's method. Welch's method [1]_ computes an estimate of the power spectral density by dividing the data into overlapping segments, computing a modified periodogram for each segment, and averaging the periodograms.Params:select_return : 'f', 'Pxx'Select the desired object to return. See the respective function docs for descriptors.x : array_likeTime series of measurement values.fs : floatSampling frequency of the 'x' time series. Defaults to 1.0.window : str or tuple or array_likeDesired window to use. If 'window' is a string or tuple, it is passed to 'get_window' to generate the window values, which are DFT-even by default. See 'get_window' for a list of windows and required parameters. If 'window' is array_like,it will be used directly as the window and its length must be nperseg. Defaults to a Hann window.nperseg : intLength of each segment. Defaults to None, but if window is str or tuple, is set to 256, and if window is array_like, is set to the length of the window.noverlap : intNumber of points to overlap between segments. If 'None', noverlap = nperseg // 2. Defaults to 'None'.nfft : intLength of the FFT used, if a zero padded FFT is desired. If 'None', the FFT length is 'nperseg'. Defaults to 'None'.detrend : str or function or 'False'Specifies how to detrend each segment. If 'detrend' is a string, it is passed as the 'type' argument to the 'detrend' function. If it is a function, it takes a segment and returns a detrended segment. If 'detrend' is 'False', no detrending is done. Defaults to 'constant'.return_onesided : boolIf 'True', returns a one-sided spectrum for real data. If 'False', returns a two-sided spectrum. Defaults to 'True', but for complex data, a two-sided spectrum is always returned.scaling : { 'density', 'spectrum' }Selects between computing the power spectral density ('density') where 'Pxx' has units of V**2/Hz and computing the power spectrum ('spectrum') where 'Pxx' has units of V**2, if 'x' is measured in V and 'fs' is measured in Hz. Defaults to 'density'.axis : intAxis along which the periodogram is computed. The default is over the last axis (i.e. axis=-1).average : { 'mean', 'median' }Method to use when averaging periodograms. Defaults to 'mean'... versionadded : : 1.2.0Returns:out : DataContainertype 'ordered pair', 'scalar', or 'matrix'
Python Code
from flojoy import OrderedPair, flojoy, Matrix, Scalar
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Literal

import scipy.signal

def WELCH(
    default: OrderedPair | Matrix,
    fs: float = 1.0,
    window: str = "hann",
    nperseg: int = 2,
    noverlap: int = 1,
    nfft: int = 2,
    detrend: str = "constant",
    return_onesided: bool = True,
    scaling: str = "density",
    axis: int = -1,
    average: str = "mean",
    select_return: Literal["f", "Pxx"] = "f",
) -> OrderedPair | Matrix | Scalar:
    """The WELCH node is based on a numpy or scipy function.

    The description of that function is as follows:

            Estimate power spectral density using Welch's method.

            Welch's method [1]_ computes an estimate of the power spectral density by dividing the data into overlapping segments,
            computing a modified periodogram for each segment, and averaging the periodograms.

    select_return : 'f', 'Pxx'
        Select the desired object to return.
        See the respective function docs for descriptors.
    x : array_like
        Time series of measurement values.
    fs : float, optional
        Sampling frequency of the 'x' time series.
        Defaults to 1.0.
    window : str or tuple or array_like, optional
        Desired window to use. If 'window' is a string or tuple, it is
        passed to 'get_window' to generate the window values, which are
        DFT-even by default.
        See 'get_window' for a list of windows and required parameters.
        If 'window' is array_like,it will be used directly as the window
        and its length must be nperseg.
        Defaults to a Hann window.
    nperseg : int, optional
        Length of each segment.
        Defaults to None, but if window is str or tuple, is set to 256,
        and if window is array_like, is set to the length of the window.
    noverlap : int, optional
        Number of points to overlap between segments.
        If 'None', noverlap = nperseg // 2.
        Defaults to 'None'.
    nfft : int, optional
        Length of the FFT used, if a zero padded FFT is desired.
        If 'None', the FFT length is 'nperseg'.
        Defaults to 'None'.
    detrend : str or function or 'False', optional
        Specifies how to detrend each segment.
        If 'detrend' is a string, it is passed as the 'type' argument to the 'detrend' function.
        If it is a function, it takes a segment and returns a detrended segment.
        If 'detrend' is 'False', no detrending is done.
        Defaults to 'constant'.
    return_onesided : bool, optional
        If 'True', returns a one-sided spectrum for real data.
        If 'False', returns a two-sided spectrum.
        Defaults to 'True', but for complex data, a two-sided spectrum is always returned.
    scaling : { 'density', 'spectrum' }, optional
        Selects between computing the power spectral density ('density')
        where 'Pxx' has units of V**2/Hz and computing the power
        spectrum ('spectrum') where 'Pxx' has units of V**2, if 'x'
        is measured in V and 'fs' is measured in Hz.
        Defaults to 'density'.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which the periodogram is computed.
        The default is over the last axis (i.e. axis=-1).
    average : { 'mean', 'median' }, optional
        Method to use when averaging periodograms.
        Defaults to 'mean'.

    .. versionadded:: 1.2.0

        type 'ordered pair', 'scalar', or 'matrix'

    result = scipy.signal.welch(

    return_list = ["f", "Pxx"]
    if isinstance(result, tuple):
        res_dict = {}
        num = min(len(result), len(return_list))
        for i in range(num):
            res_dict[return_list[i]] = result[i]
        result = res_dict[select_return]
        result = result._asdict()
        result = result[select_return]

    if isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
        result = OrderedPair(x=default.x, y=result)
        assert isinstance(
            result, np.number | float | int
        ), f"Expected np.number, float or int for result, got {type(result)}"
        result = Scalar(c=float(result))

    return result

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