The BREAK node is designed to end the iteration of a loop.It should be used in conjunction with conditionals to determine when to break the loop.
It is needed to be able to generate 'while loops' in Flojoy (combined with an 'infinite loop').Params:referred_node : NodeReferenceThis is the specific instance of a LOOP node that you want to break.
It is required to differentiate between multiple LOOPs if they exist
in the same application.default : DataContainerThis node simply requires an input (most likely from
the return of a CONDITIONAL node) so that it is executed.Returns:out : None
Python Code
from flojoy import flojoy, DataContainer, SmallMemory, NodeReference
from typing import Optional, Any
memory_key = "loop-info"
def BREAK(
referred_node: NodeReference,
default: Optional[DataContainer] = None,
) -> None:
"""The BREAK node is designed to end the iteration of a loop.
It should be used in conjunction with conditionals to determine when to break the loop.
It is needed to be able to generate 'while loops' in Flojoy (combined with an 'infinite loop').
referred_node : NodeReference
This is the specific instance of a LOOP node that you want to break.
It is required to differentiate between multiple LOOPs if they exist
in the same application.
default : DataContainer
This node simply requires an input (most likely from
the return of a CONDITIONAL node) so that it is executed.
# this is the loop ID we want to break
original_data: dict[str, Any] = SmallMemory().read_memory(
referred_node.ref, memory_key
data = original_data.copy()
data["num_loop"] = 1
data["current_iteration"] = 1
data["is_finished"] = True
SmallMemory().write_to_memory(referred_node.ref, memory_key, data)
return default
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